Tango Tantrum

Tango is ridiculous. It looks seamlessly simple, until you find out there are two types and one of those types happens to be backwards to almost everything you know.

Take a step forward on left instead of backward on right. Keep some distance vs cling like your life and toes depend on it. Luckily there are less hip swivels so I can actually do this dance rather well.

Until the original choreography got involved.

We went from easily dancing each new step to a dance with precision and solitary sounds that denote a new step. The intro is what’s getting me.

The intro to this musical masterpiece:

by Csilla Gulyás & Astor Piazzolla

This song is beautiful. But there are half counts in the beginning for the occasional bang and zig-a-zig-ah. Those half counts are what’s tripping me up.

I can barely stay on count let alone, keep half counts too. That or my counting is very very wrong, which could also be the case.

The best my teacher can do is let me count “in-an” like “in an eight” as a count to place my foot right.

Once the intro is done, it should be smooth sailing.

If anyone has any hints as to how to stay on count please let me know, I struggle.


6 thoughts on “Tango Tantrum

    1. Thank you so much! I’ll try this method when I practice, and hopefully won’t have too many slip ups anymore. The routine is slowly piecing itself together but the beginning is still the hardest part for me.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey! So when I first posted I didn’t have the confidence to reply. The tango hadn’t improved at all. But now, we’ve almost completed it! Your hints were a huge help for the intro. I still go back and watch the video when I need a reminder. Thank you so much!


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